Equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives at Canadian universities

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New University of Prince Edward Island committee promotes inclusivity on campus

The faculty of arts at the University of Prince Edward Island established an equity and inclusion committee during the summer of 2018 to encourage more inclusive practices on campus.

The faculty wants to model how best to promote equity and inclusion on campus, including alternatives to everyday practices. Professors commonly read out their class list or call out names of students at the beginning of the year, for example. However, some students may have transitioned, but not yet changed their name with the registrar. The committee is looking into alternatives that would allow professors to know who is taking their course without forcing students to identify publicly with a name that is no longer theirs.

The idea of “alternatives” is key for the committee’s work. Rather than imposing rules that declare “Don’t do this”, it aims to make people aware of the issues, and offer more respectful options. As part of its ongoing work in education, the committee is building a website to post blogs, videos and more information about inclusion practices.

Online information

September 6, 2018
Universities Canada